Independence Day Celebration
July 6, 2019

The City's traditional 4th of July celebration is holding the festivities on Saturday, July 6th.  See the Schedule of Events here.
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Welcome to Ramona

Ramona is a community of 120+ residents, tucked away in north central Marion County, near the Marion-Dickinson county line.

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School Children 1923

Like branches on a tree, our lives may grow in different directions, yet our roots remain as one. (Ramona school children, 1923)

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Over 100 years of history

Learn about the remarkable history of Ramona, Kansas.

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Learn about the history of Ramona - click here.

Ramona City Council


News and information from the City of Ramona - click here

Welcome to the official website of Ramona, Kansas.  We're so glad that you found us.  Ramona is a little town located in Marion County.  We may be small, but have big hearts.

This site was made possible through the support of Marion County Economic Development and a grant from Tri-County Telephone.

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A Glimpse of the Past

Photos from Ramona's past century.

clara_noeth Easter 2013

Ramona Easter Event Best Yet

The Easter Egg Hunt on March 30 was a stellar success, thanks to event coordinator, Rachel Mealor, and the many businesses and individuals that contributed to the annual Easter celebration, sponsored by the City of Ramona.

Punch and cupcakes kept everyone energized for the games—from tug-o-war to leg races. (In the “good ‘ole days” it was called sack races, but these days you don’t need a sack, just a sturdy rope to tie the competitors’ legs together.)

The Easter Bunny, with help from the Ramona Youth Council, hid over 800 plastic eggs in the City Park, for kids from toddlers to 12 year-olds. Older siblings often helped the toddlers learn the fine art of egg hunting, because they haven’t yet learned the concept that “more is better”—finding just one egg could “derail the hunt” as toddlers were mesmerized with a brightly colored egg and its sugary contents.

In between the egg hunt, games, and drawings for prizes, the kids got their faces painted by artist Jennifer Hathaway. Bunnies were in great demand, but there were also requests for lions, tigers, butterflies, and even super heroes.

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Ramona Park Park

Fun for everyone

A great place to relax and enjoy.

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Trinity Lutheran Church Churches

come worship

Learn about the history of churches in Ramona.

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Jun 01 2012

prairie roots

As I've worked on this website for the past several months, I've had the privilege of learning about the families and history of Ramona, Kansas.  This site is a testament to the work of past generations and the foresite of those who preserved their stories in words and pictures.  Seeing these old pictures and reading the stories of the families that settled in this part of Kansas gave me a renewed appreciation of the ingenuity, tenacity and love evident in this small town.  This sense of community has sustained Ramona for over one hundred years.  May it continue for the next one hundred.

Read more: The Roots of Ramona
Jun 08 2012

Jessica GibertMy earliest recollection of Ramona is connected to cookies—chocolate chip cookies—because that’s what Grandma Schubert had waiting for me when I came to visit.  She kept them in an old tin lard bucket—the first thing I saw when I came onto the back porch of their little house on west 4th street in Ramona.

Read more: Ties That Bind

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Ramona Family Stories

Ramona family stories written by the California Sisters and featured in the Ramona News are available to download.  Just click on the name.


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